Better Business Tools

Jun 30, 2020

Book Review: Never Eat Alone

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Title: Never Eat Alone And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

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Everyone wants to be better at networking, but very few of us ever actually take the time to improve our skills in this area.

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi is a great, easy to digest and actionable guide to developing your ability to grow, build relationships with and leverage your network. Fundamentally, this book points out how you need to keep consistent, helpful and valuable contact with your network in order for it to be of benefit.

For example, meeting someone once three years ago and exchanging business cards doesn't mean you can call in a big favour now. It seems obvious, but networking, whether in business or in life, isn't just about meeting people, but about building strong relationships.

This book is full of actionable tips and tricks, paired with real-life, hands-on experience by Keith.

Best for...

Those who want to grow a bigger, better and more beneficial network. This book is also ideal for those who have little time for networking but want to learn little hacks that can increase success with little physical input.


Don't have time?

Want the knowledge but don't have the time to read the whole book? Get a quick, informative summary with Blinkist...

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